Simple answer? Managment.
Longer answer? Many people have faced troubles while working with freelancers. They might not deliver on time, their work might not be up to mark, communication might be an issue, you might not be able to communicate your ideas to your freelancer, talks might break down because of misunderstandings. Oh the reasons are plenty why freelance work might not go smoothly. Thats where we come in.
We look for the best asset that fits your need. The best asset that fits your budget. Your timeline, your tastes, your every whim and fancy. We provide you with a selection of what we think is your best bet for smooth sailing.
And that is where our work starts. We manage the assets all the way to delivery. We accomodate communications, idea/knowledge transfer, ensure milestones are hit on time, the whole shebang.
You would like to think so. But we have two things in our favor. Unlimited Workforce & Variable pricing. We will never be bogged down by execution capabilities. This wheel will keep turning as long as you want to go somewhere. And gives better mileage than agencies!